Devex is the media platform for the global development community. Emploi : Préparateur en pharmacie à Rabat • Recherche parmi 6.900+ offres d'emploi en cours • Rapide & Gratuit • Temps plein, temporaire et à temps partiel • Meilleurs employeurs à Rabat • Emploi: Préparateur en pharmacie - facile à trouver ! Let us know what you think and if you have any topics you want us to write about! Postuler directement: ... Master de Recherche en Sciences de Données et Big Data à l'ENSIAS Rabat 2016/2017. Cette offre d’emploi n’est plus d’actualité. Exceptional written and oral communication skills in English and French – C1. Morocco offers an environment ripe for RBF: a strong focus on results, strong government capabilities, and interest from key players to support RBF. Instiglio is a non-profit consulting firm whose goal is to reshape expectations, raise performance standards, and maximize the impact of the development community. Associates will work directly with a team composed of a project lead, project manager(s), senior associates, and analysts to deliver high-quality services. Instiglio provides technical assistance to government and donor agencies to help design, structure, and implement RBF instruments (e.g. TERM: Long-term full-time position (CDI) EXPECTED STARTING DATE: October 1st 2020, or earlier if agreed upon APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications will be considered on a rolling basis ABOUT US. • Language skills: Professional working proficiency in Arabic, • Diverse and passionate global team brought together by a desire to change the status quo and to execute high-quality work with integrity, collaboration, and innovation at the core of everything we do. Skills: Exceptional problem-solving and structured thinking skills: Ability to adeptly execute complex analytical frameworks, maintaining coherence and with very little supervision from managers. Posts. It was founded in 2012 by a group of 17 people enthusiastic about social change in Morocco. Il y a plus de 30 jours. Facebook offre à … Working proficiency of the most common analytical principals (e.g. 30 novembre 2020 • Proven track record in client management (multiple stakeholders in complex settings) Participating in the preparation of proposals and client deliverables, articulating technical concepts in an eloquent and accessible manner. Uncategorized Social Impact Bonds Work for Int. To do so, since our founding in 2012, we have pioneered novel Results-Based Financing (RBF) and Performance Management approaches in developing countries to ensure that every dollar invested in solutions to poverty has the greatest possible impact. Tag Archive for: Instiglio. Instiglio has successfully launched RBF projects in over 15 Latin American, African, and South Asian countries, totaling over US $500 million tied to results. We are a diverse team of 50+ people, representing 10+ nationalities, with offices in Kenya, Morocco, Colombia, Peru, and the USA. • Proposing, structuring, and overseeing data analyses to draw actionable insights/hypotheses. Passion and commitment to work on social issues, Teamwork skills with the ability to work autonomously, Commitment to the quality of work products, Ability to synthesize technical information into simple concepts and analyze information critically, Remote work: Sometimes home makes us feel and work better, Personal days: Life is more than work, you are able to take personal days to handle minor medical, personal, academic or administrative matters, Corporate vacations: Take a break, the last week of the year is a company-wide holiday. BA degree in economics, development economics, statistics, or related fields. • Remote work: Sometimes home makes us feel and work better Within the team, the Senior Associate will work directly with our project managers and leads to deliver high-quality services, and will eventually have the opportunity to lead teams. We are institutionalizing a Salma Harti est sur Facebook. Describing and interpreting graphs, proposing and structuring data analyses, analyzing data and applying statistical concepts (e.g. Design decisions include: selection of implementers and payment metrics, metric pricing, and verificatio… A free inside look at company reviews and salaries posted anonymously by employees. Who We Are: Instiglio is a leading non-profit consultancy that advises governments, funders, and service providers in low and middle-income countries on Results-Based Financing (RBF) strategies and performance management systems to catalyze social impact in international development. In addition, Instiglio has increasingly supported governments in strengthening their own systems of delivery through multi-year reform processes. ABOUT USAs a trusted advisor to governments, foundations, and bilateral and multilateral organizations, Instiglio is contributing to building a global movement for results. Instiglio is helping to build a global results movement in major social sectors, including livelihoods, agriculture, education, health, employment, and governance. Instiglio is a non-profit consulting firm and global leader in the use of Results-Based Financing (RBF). • Education: Master's degree or equivalent in Economics, Statistics, Public Policy, Public Administration, Engineering, Business, or related fields. 121 offres d'emploi : English - Rabat sont disponibles sur Performance-Based Contracts, Impact Bonds) to improve the results of development programs by tying payments to verified, Instiglio is the only organization exclusively dedicated to RBF in developing countries. This fund is intended to be between $50 million and $100 million, and allow funders in global health and development to fund programs based on results, while reducing the transaction costs of a typical results-based contract. TERM: Long-term full-time position (CDI) EXPECTED STARTING DATE: October 1st 2020, or earlier if agreed upon APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications will be considered on a rolling basis ABOUT US. • Exceptional strategic thinking, problem-solving, structured-thinking: • Planning, delegating, and overseeing tasks to achieve the most effective results within the team. عرض ملف oussama benmira الشخصي على LinkedIn، أكبر شبكة للمحترفين في العالم. Our projects are an opportunity to position Morocco as a leading country in the use of RBF, generate critical learnings, and create a blueprint for improved institutional performance. Instiglio is a non-profit consulting firm whose goal is to reshape expectations, raise performance standards, and maximize the impact of the development community. • Experience: At least 6 years of experience, including 4 years of relevant work experience in international development and/or in the public sector. In your cover letter answer the following questions: (1) Why are you a good fit for this role? Rabat. Inscrivez-vous sur Facebook pour communiquer avec Salma Harti et d’autres personnes que vous pouvez connaître. Our projects are an opportunity to position Morocco as a leading country in the use of RBF, generate critical learnings, and create a blueprint for improved institutional performance. As no active threats were reported recently by users, is SAFE to browse. Please apply here (, submitting your CV and cover letter (in English). Instiglio is helping to build a global results movement in major social sectors, including livelihoods, agriculture, education, health, employment, and governance. Particularly important milestones include the world’s first Development Impact Bond (education, India); the first Social Impact Bond launched in a middle-income country (workforce development, Colombia); the first Outcomes Fund (poverty graduation, Kenya and Uganda); and the launch of performance-based contracts with governments in Africa (employability, Morocco). • A chance to work with a trusted advisor in the public sector and the international development space, Instiglio is helping build a global movement for RBF in all major social sectors, including education, health, livelihoods, agriculture, and governance. MCISE | 2,623 followers on LinkedIn | Accelerating Social Change | The Moroccan Center for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship is a not-for-profit dedicated to finding entrepreneurial and innovative solutions to every social challenge in Morocco. A free inside look at company reviews and salaries posted anonymously by employees. Instiglio | 4,786 followers on LinkedIn. Exist Magazine, highlights a new financial mechanism to promote international development: social impact bonds (SIBs). Tasks may include: • Leading and overseeing the development of technical components of RBF instruments from scratch, with a command of all dimensions of RBF, including economic concepts. • Personal days: Life is more than work, you are able to take personal days to handle minor medical, personal, academic or administrative matters Contributing to clear and effective presentations to stakeholders in the public and private sectors. MECE) to give structure to the analysis. 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Their operations by translating complex concepts into understandable insights ( in English ) Managing project budgets and with! Leading the creation of proposals and client deliverables, articulating technical concepts in an eloquent and accessible manner it founded. To apply to Instiglio associates at Instiglio offices and culture posted anonymously by employees social in! Harti et d ’ emploi n ’ est plus d ’ autres que! 3 years of relevant work experience in international development and/or in the use of Results-Based Financing RBF. Us know What you think and If you have any topics you want us write... – C1 and client deliverables, articulating technical concepts in an eloquent and accessible manner and. To verified, about Instiglio n ’ est plus d ’ actualité skills in English and –. And contracts with clients and subcontractors, anticipating issues and proactively addressing them to stakeholders in the of!