Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. Malcolm X was a civil rights leader before he was assassinated at the age of 40. His black protectionist outlook called separation instead of unity and equality. "Those Honkies that just got off the boat, they're already Americans; Polacks are already Americans; the Italian refugees are already Americans. In America at the time The Ballot or the Bullet was given, segregation was still occurring. If he's for civil rights, let him go into the Senate next week and denounce the Southern branch of his party. Black people in America came together to receive motivation to fight for equality.In this speech Malcolm X inspires black people to take a stance and fight for their civil rights. A march led by the Black Panthers, Wikimedia Commons. Some were communists; some, Prosperity is a great teacher; adversity a, Thats camouflage, thats trickery, thats, Click here to study/print these flashcards. ", "Cassius Clay can sing, but singing didn't help him to become the heavyweight champion of the world; swinging helped him become the heavyweight champion", "It's not so good to refer to what you're doing as a "sit-in." You don't throw your ballots until you see a target, and if that target is not within your reach, keep your ballot in your pocket. We have to come together with warmth so we can develop unity and harmony that's necessary to get this problem solved ourselves. He also references Abraham Lincoln's statement, "To give victory to the right, not bloody bullets, but peaceful ballots only, are necessary," from his speech on May 18, 1858. The white supremacist system is the antagonist. That they feed on the problems that the black communities are having in order to gain votes. This was effective because he is making it known what the administration thinks about the African American vote; he hopes to make sure that they know and remember what the. Only members can read the full content. What do we care about odds? Marginalized peoples in other countries have only been successful in gaining independence when they have taken up the cause of nationalism. Analyzes how malcolm x's ballot or bullet speech was highly esteemed, despite dr. martin luther king being a pacifist and civil rights activist. anti-degradation . Malcolm X states that achieving a resolution for the African American cause would be more likely if it was taken to the United Nations. The white politicians would come into black neighborhoods and push, press, and force it upon blacks to put them in office. Earlier in the year, Malcolm X, once an outspoken follower of Elijah Muhammed, declared his separation from the Nation of Islam and realigned himself with the civil rights movement. Malcolm X: ( 06:52) The economic philosophy of Black Nationalism only means that we should own, and operate, and control the economy of our community. More books than SparkNotes. Self-determination is the key to African American success, Democrats and Republicans work together to conspire against the advancement of African Americans' rights, African Americans must join together to redefine civil rights violations as human rights violations in order to take their case to the United Nations. "I'm not here tonight to discuss my religion. He likens his status as a Muslim to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s as a Christian, knowing that in the past, his own religious affiliation has been a point of contention; he and Dr. King may have different ways of worshipping, but they are both known as civil rights leaders. Earn points, unlock badges and level up while studying. "[30] These changes expanded his appeal, therefore expanding his audience, illustrating his ability to use the freedom he found after separating from the Nation of Islam to his advantage in advancing himself as a member of the Civil Rights Movement. African american rights were the main concern of many people, along with government corruption and the unwillingness to help. "The Ballot or the Bullet" is delivered in an urgent and angry tone. "The Ballot or the Bullet," a famous civil rights speech delivered by Malcolm X Malcolm X religious beliefs had caused controversy within the Black community. He also delivered the speech about a week later in Detroit, Michigan, on April 12, 1964. "The Ballot or The Bullet" was a speech by Malcolm X mostly about black nationalism delivered April 12, 1964 in Detroit, Michigan. Work Cited "Malcolm X: The Ballot or the Bullet." American Public Media . [10], Malcolm said that African Americans were becoming "politically mature" and recognizing that, through unity and nonalignment, they could be the swing vote in the coming elections and elect candidates who would be attentive to their concerns:[11]. He made his "The Ballot or the Bullet" speech during April, 1964 in Cleveland, Ohio. Malcolm X, a Muslim, credits Elijah Muhammed, the leader of the Nation of Islam, with making him into the man he is today. Second-class citizenship, such as is held by the African-American community, is tantamount to 20th-century slavery, says Malcolm. Why does Malcolm X say he and other African Americans are not really Americans? "The Ballot or the Bullet" alienated white Americans because the media misconstrued Malcolm X's message of self-defense as a call for violence. allusions, parallelism, a strong rigid tone, accusations, wise diction and the. "that's what we are -- Africans who are in America. He argued that the ballot was the only way to achieve true and lasting change, but that the government had to be willing to protect the rights of African Americans. You can't open up a black store in a white community. Although their outspoken beliefs in self-defense and gun ownership branded them a militant group, they created much-needed social programs for their communities, such as health clinics and free breakfast programs. In what follows, we will look at some of the most important rhetorical devices used by the speaker and how they work with the speech. At the same time, the speech indicated that Malcolm still supported Black nationalism and self-defense and thus had not made a complete break with his past. First, Malcolm X was inspirational in many aspects and his upbringing added to this aspect. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Ballot or the Bullet by Malcolm X. Well, you and I been sitting long enough, he claims, and its time for us today to start doing some standing and some fighting to back that up.. Everything you need for your studies in one place. I'm not a Democrat. "No, no, we are not satisfied and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down, In some ways, he was this town at its best-- strong, hard-. What is the tone of "The Ballot or the Bullet"? The white community is divided by its party affiliations, and as such, elections are often so close that there is cause for a recount. Although he advocated exercising the ballot, Malcolm X expressed skepticism that voting would bring about full equality for African Americans. The Question and Answer section for The Ballot or the Bullet is a great The Question and Answer section for The Ballot or the Bullet is a great Coversational/familiar language particular to a particular region or dialect. Why was "The Ballot or the Bullet" important? "The Ballot or the Bullet" opens by addressing the differences in religious beliefs that divide the African-American community. Malcolm X maintained his use of repetition as "communications of the passion that is satisfied by a single statement, but that beats through the pulses",[27] and this can be exemplified by his consistent use of the phrase "the ballot or the bullet". We have to see each other with new eyes. The young generation don't want to hear anything about the odds are against us. In the speech "The Ballot or the Bullet" Malcolm X utilizes antithesis, allusion, and metaphors in order to convince his audience to take a stand against segregation whether peacefully, if possible, and if not, by force. was the black mans vote that put the present administration in Washington, D.C. The main points of "The Ballot or the Bullet" are: Who was the audience of "The Ballot or the Bullet"? The black man is not born free, he is born in jail, victim of structural oppression and to the hypocrisy of a government that claims to represent the interests of all Americans. The bill was passed by the House on February 10, 1964, and sent to the Senate for consideration. "my community with their false promises, building up our hopes for a letdown, with their, "As they nourish these dissatisfactions, it can only lead to one thing, an, It has talked and talked and talked the words of freedom, but it. Insulting his listener is meant to stoke the listeners sense of anger and injustice, and therefore to provoke him into more direct action against white supremacy than the peaceful protests advocated for by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. are able to do. Despite their religious, differences, they came together. For instance, Malcolm X suggests African Americans are living a nightmare instead of the American ideal of equa. The speech is among the top persuasive speeches of the 20th century. True or False: Malcolm X believed African Americans should vote for whoever told them they would give them more rights. X's purpose is to awaken the black . Term Our faith is sure, our resolve is firm, and our union is strong. Malcolm X says he and other African Americans are not really Americans because they have to fight for the same rights others are given by birth. intentional repetition of 3 or more vowel sounds among nearby words. [20] He reiterated his position that if the government is "unwilling or unable to defend the lives and the property of Negroes", African Americans should defend themselves. The speech was strong and inspiring, and because it was combined with his confident and sturdy speaking, he came off as a respectable and intelligent leader who knows what he wants, Malcolm X evokes emotion with the use of objectification, by specifying particular instances of exploitation, degradation, and oppression that the black community has faced. When Malcolm X says "the ballot or the bullet," he reframes Patrick Henry's famous quote "Give me liberty or give me death." Instead of promoting peace to solve problems, Malcolm X used violence when necessary to get his points across to his audience. George Washington and Patrick Henry didnt win the American revolution, the soldiers did. Cone, pp. [12], Black nationalism was characterized by its political, social, and economic philosophies. Originally obtained from. The purpose was to allow black people to realize the events that were happening in their lives. Our faith is sure, our resolve is firm, and our union is strong. April 8, 2021; energy difference between n=1 and n=2 in joules. Like Malcolm X, whenever he has been an orphan at the young age, but he never stop to learn and study. ", "Patrick Henry was a patriot, and George Washington. He uses "if-then" statements in "The Ballot or the Bullet" to organize his reasoning, such as when he states, "[i]f birth made you an American, [then] you wouldn't need any legislation." He was also muslim. The mood oscillates between despair, anger, and hope. His views in this speech reflect the beliefs he held before completing his Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca. His subject was Negro rights, and he was speaking to the African American population. intentional omission of a word or words that are readily implied by the context, intentional unconventional rearranging of word order to create an effect, create, study and share online flash cards, "realize that it is best for us to first see that we have the same problem, a common. At numerous times throughout the speech, Malcolm X recounts founding father Patrick Henry's famous quote, "Give me liberty, or give me death," when he tells African Americans the time has come to choose between "the ballot or the bullet.". Their eyes are coming open. Relying on peaceful protests such as sit-ins castrates the black man, says Malcolm. Malcolm X noted that 1964 was an election year, a year "when all of the white political crooks will be right back in your and my community with their false promises which they don't intend to keep". Malcolm X's speech "The Ballot or the Bullet" is intended to encourage African Americans to take the Civil Rights Movement forward and become even more determined in actively fighting for their rights. Malcolm X states that, since 1964 was an election year, it was the year for African Americans to stand up and show the United States government they would no longer wait for the rights they deserve. Malcolm X uses rhetorical techniques to persuade his audience to push for equality between races. He acknowledges that they black people have the power to determine who is in office and who is not. "The Ballot or the Bullet" is the title of a public speech by human rights activist Malcolm X.In the speech, which was delivered on two occasions the first being April 3, 1964, at the Cory Methodist Church in Cleveland, Ohio and the second being on April 12th 1964 at the King Solomon Baptist Church, in Detroit, Michigan. Analyzes how malcolm used parallelism to establish credibility amongst his predominately christian audience by . After Kennedy's assassination in November 1963, President Lyndon B. Johnson threw his support behind the civil rights bill. has failed and failed and failed the works of freedom. intentional balancing clauses within a sentence to create equality of development between ideas (a.k.a. Malcolm X highlights the frustrating struggle of African Americans' fight to be able to vote by mentioning John F. Kennedy's desire to force Cuba to have democratic elections. And anyone who puts forth any effort to deprive you of that which is yours, is breaking the law, is a criminal. However, the emotional states that are the party can not fulfill their promise, then how you can proudly identify yourselves if you are still treated the same as you were before. "The Ballot or the Bullet" further indicates a shift in Malcolm X's rhetoric, as his separation from the Nation of Islam and new, unfettered public activism prompted a change in the ways he addressed his audience. Malcolm . He notes that politicians are more aware of this fact than African Americans, so they tell African Americans whatever will secure their vote. Instead of crying and be depressed with his lost, he continued to study. Malcolm X uses this device extensively in his speech, as it helps him illustrate points related to the Civil Rights Movement and the need to fight by any means necessary to promote Afric. The Ballot or the Bullet, Part 2 Summary and Analysis. At his press conference, Malcolm X said that "in areas where our people are the constant victims of brutality, and the government seems unable or unwilling to protect them, we should form rifle clubs that can be used to defend our lives and our property in times of emergency". He points out in 'The Ballot or the Bullet' that the Supreme Court has ruled against segregation, so those trying to enforce it, including the government, are "criminals" (1964). parallelism "And until we become politically mature we will always be mislead, lead astray, or deceived or maneuvered into supporting someone politically who doesn't have the good of our community at heart." epistrophe "They don't hang you because you're a Baptist; they hang you 'CAUSE YOU'RE BLACK. "The Ballot or the Bullet" educated many African Americans on the importance of their right to vote and instructed them to avoid falling victim to false promises and only use their vote when it gives them something in return. Meanwhile, the American dream of equal opportunity is not one that applies to African-Americans. They reflect the rising racial tension in the United States as African Americans and the white man clashed in increasingly violent ways over giving African Americans the rights that should have been their birthright as United States citizens. The bill proposed a ban on discrimination based on race, religion, sex, or national origin in jobs and public accommodations. The political philosophy is self-government. Malcolm X uses a combination of logic and emotion to appeal to his audience. Some examples of rhetorical questions that help structure the speech are: The question tonight, as I understand it, is The Negro Revolt, and Where Do We Go From Here? or What Nex. Malcolm provides an economic summary of black nationalism: African-Americans should buy from African-American owned and operated businesses so as to feed the prosperity of their own communities and lift the levelto a higher levelso that we will be satisfied in our own circles and wont be running around here to knock our way into a social circle where were not wanted. This economic attitude is in keeping with the larger social and political attitudes of separatism that marked black nationalism, which claimed that integration would only result in further oppression of black peoples and advocated, as the name suggests, for entirely separate and self-governed communities. 5- Parallelism: Wrapping Up. GradeSaver "The Ballot or the Bullet Literary Elements". African Americans have a constitutional right to own guns and defend themselves from being attacked by the white man. In The Ballot or the Bullet by Malcom X, Malcolm X advocates African Americans to take matters into their own hands by either casting their ballot to determine whos going to sit in the White House and whos going to be in the dog house (Malcom X 2). ", "And until we become politically mature we will always be mislead, lead astray, or deceived or maneuvered into supporting someone politically who doesn't have the good of our community at heart. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. Let the world know how bloody his [Uncle Sam's] hands are. ", "They don't hang you because you're a Baptist; they hang you 'CAUSE YOU'RE BLACK. "The time when white people can come in our community and get us to vote for them so that they can be our political leaders and tell us what to do and what not to do is long gone. _____Cole had all *ready *toasted the bagels by the time his parents woke up. But, he said, the police department and local government often sided with segregationists against the Civil Rights Movement. Summary of Malcolm X's "The Ballot or the Bullet" speech. For example, the theme and title of the speech the ballot or the bullet is mentioned about 16 times by the speaker: Let it be the ballot or the bullet. (Malcolm X) Malcolm X was born Malcolm Little in Omaha, Nebraska on May 19, 1925. . [2] Malcolm X advised African Americans to judiciously exercise their right to vote, but he cautioned that if the government continued to prevent African Americans from attaining full equality, it might be necessary for them to take up arms. This guide is based on the latter version of this speech. Words: 732 - Pages: 3 Premium Essay Malcolm X's The Ballot Or The Bullet . In addition, many African American men have fought and died in each war the United States has been involved in. Therefore if these are successful, we could see 150,000 members plus in dispute by the time of the . Littles speech has a significant lack of logic; although, it is a clever move to predominantly use emotional appeal due to his motive - to incite anger in America and to showcase the government's faults. It was the third bombing in 11 days after Birmingham received a federal order to integrate its schools. [21], Malcolm X referred to "the type of Black man on the scene in America today [who] doesn't intend to turn the other cheek any longer",[9] and warned that if politicians failed to keep their promises to African Americans, they made violence inevitable:[22]. The. Malcolm X then orders President Johnson to push through the civil rights legislation that had been floundering in Congress to avoid the dire consequences that would occur if African Americans continued to be denied them. Civil Rights Activist, Malcolm X, in his speech "The Ballot or The Bullet" addressed the issue that the black community needs to take action about how the government treats them unfairly. That is they have been politically informed then they will recognize that each election will end with the same outcome. "1 What, if anything, do you think Malcolm X hopes to accomplish by quoting Abraham Lincoln and Patrick Henry and establishing African American protests as legal according to the Supreme Court? The Ballot or the Bullet Literary Elements Genre Political Speech Setting and Context 1964, against a backdrop of segregation and social unrest. If the ballot = the political system and the bullet = civil rebellion, what type of figurative language does the title employ? ", " And in 1964 you'll see this young black man, this new generation asking for the ballot or bullet. Uses a combination of logic and emotion to appeal to his audience to push for equality between.... 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