If other cichlids will be in the community tank, choose a species that is not bottom dwelling. At least I haven’t had that kind of success. Include floating plants in the setup to dim the light, which will make them feel safer. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Kribs are omnivores and therefore very easy to feed. During breeding periods, a female’s belly develops the characteristic cherry red coloration. With a little research and armed with some useful information, you will be able to spot—and care for—some of the most commonly occurring species and variants. All trademarks are either the property of Central Garden & Pet Company, its subsidiaries, divisions, affiliated and/or related companies or the property of their respective owners. The female is more colorful than the male and is adorned with the yellow cheeks from which this species’ common name derives. This species comes in a vast array of different color morphs, and we will hopefully have an even broader spectrum to choose from in the future, as its native West African home is thoroughly researched by scientists and fish exporters. The abdomen is a reddish pink, a color that intensifies during the breeding period, especially in the female. JavaScript is disabled. Pelmatochromis kribensis (based on a misidentification) Size: 4" (10cm), females smaller. An active and beautiful species, P. taeniatus is comparatively easy to keep and breed. Most aquarists are familiar with the common krib, partly because it’s so easy to breed in captivity, which makes it possible for pet shops to keep the price down. One of the reasons why it is so sturdy and easy to care for in captivity may be due to the fact that within its natural range, it may encounter several different water conditions. Keep the water soft and the pH value below 6.0 in the aquarium. The lowest-lying streams are actually soft and acidic blackwater habitats. Kribensis cichlids can be kept and even bred in a community aquarium, a species aquarium or even in a West African biotope aquarium. Considered both a community tank fish and a dwarf cichlid, the Kribensis Cichlid is attractive and interactive, getting along well with most other community … During breeding periods, his belly will turn pinkish red, and the same can happen when he gets territorial. Some sellers will just label them as “wild kribs” or make up a name for them based on appearance. P. pulcher inhabits the drainage area of the Ethiope River in the Niger Delta in West Africa. The unpaired fins are also a bit yellow, but without any spotting. There have been a lot of mix-ups and mislabeled fish in the aquarium trade, so older accounts regarding this species are not always reliable. As the fry grow larger, simply serve them ground flakes and larger and larger brine shrimp until they eat the same food as the adults. I don’t think they will survive in a community tank unfortunately. You might even end up with some fry! They used to be bit uncommon even though one of the cheaper types of Cichilds. They should not be housed with slow-moving species with long and flowing fins because they can turn into fin nippers in such company. When the eggs hatch after roughly three days, the tiny offspring will be moved to a pit or some other safe spot deemed suitable by the adults. Because they are dedicated parents, kribs become aggressive while protecting their young. ... Once the fry is free-swimming, feed them freshly hatched brine shrimp, very finely crumbled flake food, or one of the commercially available fry foods. You must log in or register to reply here. They are capable of breeding in a wide range of ph values. They will readily accept most types of food. Use plants, rocks, and other decorations to make it possible for the couple to claim a small territory around their cave. Kribensis is often kept in a community tank, however care should be taken in choosing tank-mates. I currently have the parents and a week old horde of fry alone in a 65g tank. What to do with Kribensis fry? These bands begin to fade as she starts caring for her offspring. Kribensis (Pelvicachromis pulcher) are very popular dwarf African cichlids.They are colorful, peaceful fish (except at breeding time) and they can even be kept in a community tank. His dorsal fin sports a lavender band just below the red edge. The name is derived from the Latin words rubrum (red) and labia (lip), and alludes to the red lips sported by male members of this species. Finally, an exception to the rule #3, the female is smaller than the male, more colorful than the male and the female beats up the male! By cleverly using numerous caves and natural borders, it is even possible to house several couples in the same tank. The parents of the Krib fry are in the 55 gallon with a whole bunch more fry. Recommended Minimum Aquarium Capacity: 20 gallon / 80 litre Compatibility: Suitable for the community aquarium although they will become very territorial … Bottom and cave dwellers are especially shunned because they will compete for space. The male also has some yellow on his cheeks, but the shade is more pastel than bright. I always try and remove the fry into a separate tank or fry trap to give them the best chance. Looking for a new addition to your (community) aquarium but don’t to settle for something boring? Kribs normally don’t eat them, so you can use live flora to decorate the tank if you wish. ©2020 TFH Magazine, a Central Garden & Pet Company. Kribensis Tropical Fish Learn all about the Kribensis's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. If your fish remain shy despite this, try adding some dither fish to the setup. However, if you don’t know which species or variant you have, soft, acidic water and a temperature in the 75° to 79°F (24° to 26°C) range is usually the safest bet. Due to its comparatively calm temperament, P. subocellatus is kept in both community and species tanks. Their first food is usually tiny organic matter, but they are soon large enough to eat powdered flakes and newly hatched brine shrimp. Therefore, it is important that the aquarium includes natural borders and at least one cave to provide hiding spots for other fish. Maybe it has to do with the fact that the fry of this species can be a bit tricky to keep alive. Soft and acidic water is recommended. Ideally, the fry should stay … Close to the sea, the Niger Delta’s water is hard, alkaline, and slightly brackish. kribensis-for-sale-in-shop. P. subocellatus is hardier and less aggressive than the common krib and will grow to roughly the same size. Kribensis will live singly and even in a community tank better than most larger cichlid species. The male also spends a lot of his time guarding the surrounding area from intruders. Keep the water temperature in the 72° to 79°F (22° to 26°C) range with a pH of 6.0. “Bandi II.”. It is never a good idea to house these fish in an aquarium without a cave. A 2ft (60cm) tank would be the minimum for a pair, a 3ft (90cm) or larger would be suggested if kept as part of a community tank. Kribs are often kept in community aquariums with other fairly passive fish, such as other dwarf cichlids, tetras, and small barbs. Compared to most other members of its genus, P. subocellatus has a very high body. This delightful dwarf cichlid from West Africa has it all. Since an established krib couple spawns regularly, you can expect to see a lot of this coloration in your tank. Pelvicachromis pulcher,commonly known as the Kribensis, has been a favorite aquarium fish for many years. Despite being tolerant of a wide range of water parameters, they are more inclined to spawn in soft and acidic water. They also engage in highly entertaining fry-rearing behavior, wherein they herd their offspring around the tank for several weeks. Sometimes, while taking care of the fry, one parent may attack the other, in this case, it is best to separate them to avoid fights. Flowerpots, coconut shells, or PVC pipes will be just as appreciated—but make sure there is an opening just large enough for the fish to use as their entrance. But these days you can see them often and still cheap. They love hiding spots, and providing at least one will make them much happier, while also decreasing the risk that they’ll become overly aggressive during the breeding period. In the red-bellied color morph, the red proceeds from the belly to the lower half of the face. While in spawning condition, two fairly dark longitudinal bands will run along her sides. The taxonomic status of the rainbow krib (P. sacrimontis) is currently under debate. Some breeders are reporting that the fry sexes can be influenced by the pH of the water they are raised in. That way they will not compete for the same territory. Good kribensis tank mates include any fish of a similar size, especially if they live on different water layers in a fish tank. A juvenile rainbow krib is virtually indistinguishable from a juvenile P. pulcher, but it will eventually develop one of its first distinctive features: a shimmering turquoise blue patch on the cheeks and gill covers. At this stage, they are small enough to be moved inside their parents’ mouths. However, they may nip fins on slow-moving fish such as angels. This aggression is usually not a problem if the aquarium is large enough, but they will protect egg and fry—violently, if necessary. Kribensis Cichlid: Care & Info. If your couple seems reluctant to breed, increase the water temperature to 80°F (27°C) and provide several suitable caves for them to explore. They have been doing a great job of protecting them, they are about two weeks old now, but there are also large Angels and other fish in the tank with them and the babies are now starting to venture farther and farther away from their parents. Described in 2004, P. rubrolabiatus is a fairly new addition to the genus Pelvicachromis. Being an omnivore, it needs both green and meaty foods in its diet to stay happy and healthy in captivity. This doesn’t mean that you should allow the parameters to swing back and forth; always give your fish a chance to unhurriedly grow accustomed to new conditions through slow, gradual changes. This is because she is much more plump than the male. Tank setup: Planted aquarium with rocks or bogwood for shelter. Raising P. pulcher fry is usually not a problem because the parents do most of the work. Whether you want to slip them into a community or go for something more biotope-based, you only need worry about water parameters for these fish to fit right in. However, they will still spend each night inside the cave where they were born, or any other cave deemed safe enough. Both sexes have a dark longitudinal stripe running from the mouth to the caudal fin, with yellow and black striping by the face. If the parents eat their own offspring or fail to protect them from predators, don’t give up. This species is a great choice for the novice keeper and can even be recommended to experienced aquarists. These fish willingly breed in community tanks. Their common name, Kribensis ( or Kribs for short) is derived from their former scientific name Pelmatochromis kribensis.They are also commonly referred to as purple cichlids. You’ll love Pelvicachromis pulcher: with a pair of these feisty African cichlids your tank will never be boring. It is actually quite strange that P. pulcher is so much more widespread in the hobby than this charming little fellow. A 10-gallon (38-liter) aquarium is large enough for a single pair, but if you wish to combine them with other fish, you’ll need more space. Another way of sexing them is to look at the dorsal fin: if it ends in a point, you are looking at a male. The recommended water temperature for this species is 72° to 79°F (22° to 26°C). I don’t think I’ve ever had krib fry die and I am still over run with trying to get rid of Kribs. The male is just as ostentatious as the female, with one color morph showing a yellow belly and the other variant showing a red one. The yellow coloration is also found on the end of her tail and on the upper half of the caudal fin, along with numerous black spots. Currently it's 5 am here. The range of P. subocellatus spans from Gabon to Congo in Western Africa, where it can be found in a wide variety of habitats, including brackish water. After five to ten days, the fry are usually large enough to be brought out of the cave to attend feeding excursions. P. pulcher is quite resilient to disease, and provided with the right care it can live up to five years. Sexing P. pulcher is not hard because adult females display brighter belly colors than the males. These spots are also present on the back half of the dorsal fin. It is colorful, can be housed in a community aquarium, it is easy to spawn, it is undemanding of water and food and Pelvicachromis pulcher exhibits many fascinating behaviors. She is also smaller than the male, but at first glance can appear to be the larger of the two. About 5 to 7 days later the Kribensis Cichlid eggs hatch and then in another 5 days or so the fry can swim. Despite being fairly peaceful creatures, both sexes will grow territorial and aggressive while protecting their spawn. Although they are a peaceful fish, they may nip the fins of slow moving fish such as Angel fish. If going for a … In the wild, kribs are only found in environments containing patches of dense underwater vegetation, and will appreciate having plants in the tank. Giving a couple their own breeding aquarium is therefore the best solution in some situations. For the aquarist who knows what to look for, it is quite frequently possible to find hidden treasures in display tanks labeled Pelvicachromis pulcher, or simply “wild krib.”. Fish Lore's aquarium forum - aquarium hobbyists helping hobbyists since 2005! They can be housed with other West African Dwarf cichlids but they need enough tank space to set up territories for themselves. As … The modern accepted scientific name is P. pulcher, which roughly translated means “beautiful belly fish.” In Latin, pelvica is the plural of pelvis, chromis refers to a fish (possibly a perch), and pulcher means beautiful. P. rubrolabiatus is native to the KolentÉ River basin in Guinea, where it inhabits soft, acidic waterways that flow through forested areas. When I was a kid I seldom see Kribensis in pet-shops. Tank-raised specimens are normally more tolerant to alkaline conditions (in some instances, up to a pH of 8.5!) Kribensis cichlids are hardy and do not grow very large, two factors that make them possible to keep, even in small aquariums. I have a large amount of rock work in my tank with plenty of nooks and crannies and have had a few krib fry survive in my community tank but out of 4-6 batches of 50+ fry I only had 2 survive to a size where they couldn't be eaten. P. taeniatus is one of the most colorful members of its genus and has the smallest adult male size. Removing them too soon can make the male harass the female to death, as he’ll want to spawn again and she won’t be physically ready at this point. A species forced to handle different environments and arbitrary alterations (brought on by varying water flow from streams) must be able to cope with diverse habitats. During breeding periods her belly is scarlet red. Make sure … Setting up a tank for Kribensis is easy. The female also starts taking the offspring out on small trips around the tank, hastily scurrying them back into their hiding spot as soon as she perceives any possible danger in the environment. They are going to spawn every 10 to 14 days like clock work if you keep removing the fry. An established couple can be expected to spawn over and over again as long as both individuals are healthy. The fry should be fed several times during the day, so it becomes essential to frequently change the water due to the increase in biological load. But they are beautiful fish and would be great for big community tank of dwarf Cichlids or other medium size fish who can stand up for bulling. The male fertilizes them and both parents guard the eggs, taking shifts to allow each other to feed. The body is slim, and the males actually rival females in terms of color. Name: Kribensis cichlid Scientific name: Pelvicachromis Pulcher Family: Cichlidae Size:10 cm (4 inches) Care level: Easy Temperature: 75-80°F (24-27°C) Water conditions: Clean, freshwater Diet: Herbivorous Tank size: 150 liters Temperament: Peaceful Lifespan: 5-8 years Description. Vigorous water movement and harsh aquarium lighting are not appreciated by these fish. As an additional bonus, kribs readily breed without any special coaxing. P. taeniatus fares best on a varied omnivore diet, with plenty of veggies and occasional servings of live or frozen meaty foods. It has been available for many years under the label P. sp. Kribensis are a shy and retiring species that are often recommended for community tanks, but like all cichlids, they become territorial and mildly aggressive when breeding. Kribensis cichlids are devoted parents that form monogamous pairs and raise their offspring together. long time that kribensis have been kept and bred in captivity with few wild specimens coming through, they have become adapted to a wide range of waters conditions. Sometimes you will find them under their correct names in fish stores and on price lists, but encountering them under erroneous labels is (unfortunately) also quite possible. This species will grow bigger than other members of its genus and will display seven dark vertical bars on the body. This species is not fond of sharp light, so use floating plants to keep its home shaded. than wild-caught ones. The genus Pelvicachromis contains a number of other species in addition to the famous P. pulcher. Common Name: Kribensis, Krib Scientific Name: Pelvicachromis Pulcher Average Adult Fish Size: 3 inches / 8 cm Place of Origin: Nigeria, Cameroon Typical Tank Setup: Heavily planted aquarium with low amount of water movement. Although they are a peaceful fish, they may nip the fins of slow moving fish such as Angel fish. This species is found in coastal Nigeria, Cameroon, and Equatorial Guinea, where it inhabits still and slow-moving streams and rivers that run through forested regions. Ideally, the fry should stay with their parents until they are at least ½-inch (1.5-cm) long. They are sometimes imported under their true names and sometimes mistakenly shipped together with wild-caught P. pulcher. Kribensis fry in a community tank with tetras? Breeding Kribensis Cichlids is actually pretty simple. If you’re seeking a small fish that can add action and a rainbow of sparkling colors to your freshwater aquarium, the kribensis cichlid (Pelvicachromis pulcher) is definitely worth considering. Due to this digging habit, sand or fine gravel without any sharp edges is recommended as bottom substrate in order to prevent injury. Currently there are 2 fry in the tank, first batch kinda unlucky.Since i dont know when my kribs gonna spawn again , I d like to add a schooling species that would keep running the tank and … If other cichlids will be in the community tank, choose a species that is not bottom dwelling. They will soon spawn again, and most couples get the hang of it after a few trial runs. Plan for a tank of no less than 90cm/36" long. To improve the chances of survival for the babies, we recommend setting up a separate breeding tank. My kribensis are spawning, however im worried that when the fry have hatched and are too big to … The northernmost part of its range borders that of P. taeniatus, while its other geographical limit is the mouth of the Congo River. I knew before they actually spawned what kind of behavior they would probably exhibit, as far as them being very defensive, territorial and aggressive. Keeping them on a varied diet will boost their immune system and provide a more comfortable life for them in captivity. Freshwater Tropical Fish Articles | TFH Magazine, Fairy Cichlid Breeding and Care | Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine, Trouble-Free Dwarf Cichlids for the Community Tank | Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine. Quick Stats. Otherwise, they may end up trying to defend the entire tank from perceived “intruders.” If they still act violently toward other fish outside of their territory, the aquarium may be too densely stocked. I have a mixed community tank of 240 litres and though my cribs are very protective of their fry, the other tank mates tend to give them a wide berth when they have young. The maximum height of an adult kribensis cichlid is approximately 10 cm or 4 inches, … Jump to Latest Follow ... it is only a 10g tank with no other fish in it except a very small albino pleco. Feeding them plenty of live, meaty food can also induce spawning behavior. However, it’s a good idea to protect the plant base with heavy stones, or choose species that tolerate being uprooted since they sometimes dig. In captivity, it can be housed in both soft and hard water, and will tolerate a pH value from 6.0 to 8.0. The male can reach a length of 4 inches (10 cm), while the female usually stays around 3 inches (8 cm). Krib usually have large number of fry (50-100 or more) not just 4. Origin: Nigeria, and coastal zone of Cameroon. Rainbow kribs maintain this color even when stressed, something to keep in mind when trying to recognize them in the fish store. A good first food can be powdered flake food and baby brine shrimp . Despite the heroic attempts of the parents, most of the fry disappeared in the following days, but 10 of them still managed to reach maturity in the community tank, showing the extreme gumption of this cichlid. Plus, they exhibit very strong parental instincts. Be forewarned that this is a fairly hostile species. Maybe I ll upload some tomorrow!! ... A forum community dedicated to Aquarium owners and enthusiasts. Affectionately referred to simply as “krib” within the hobby, this West African cichlid is called kribensis because it was once known as P. kribensis. The temperature ideally should be at 77F but kribensis are happy any where between 75-80F It was first described in 1977, but this description lacked a type specimen. If you’re willing to spend a bit more, there is a long list of other interesting species in the genus Pelvicachromis to choose from, all more or less similar to P. pulcher but with their own distinct appearance, temperament, and habits. Watching the young fry being herded, watched over, and kept in order by the parents is an experience which any fish-keeper should find a privilege. Likely the other fish in the tank at the fry. Learn about its origin, diet, habitat, and breeding habits. Feeding the Fry. kribensis-community-aquarium Kribensis in the community aquarium. Compatibility: It is common for kribs to start courting within a week of being introduced to the tank, and any coaxing from the aquarist is usually superfluous. This resulted in the Kribs having one-third of the four-foot tank for their own, while the rest of the fish had to stay at the other end. Kribensis fact file Origin: Nigeria Habitat: Quiet waterways with dense patches of vegetation and driftwood Size: Females 8cm Males 10cm Minimum tank size: 90cm or 60cm for a species tank Raising P. pulcher fry is usually not a problem because the parents do most of the work. This will give the fry the best chance of survival. A colorful and popular freshwater fish, the Kribensis Cichlid is truly a breed worth considering for your own freshwater aquarium. I wouldn’t remove the fry from the parents ever, because they are great parents and this will stop the spawning for at least 30 to 60 days. Kribensis is a beautiful, hardy addition to a freshwater community tank. Hello dear community, I ve set up a 10 gallon for raising some kribs fry. Kribensis pair with fry in a community tank, other tank mates include tetras and rainbows. Male P. rubrolabiatus also distinguish themselves from males of other species in the same genus by not having any coloration or patterning on the fins. It is peaceful enough to introduce into a community aquarium with other nonviolent species, as long as the tank is properly decorated with caves, hiding spots, and natural territorial borders. The yellow-cheeked kribensis (P. subocellatus) was described in 1872. Some authorities recognize it as a separate species, while others instead classify it as P. pulcher. This question is for anyone who breeds, or who has bred, kribensis. Then the little Kribensis breaks another rule, it is an African Cichlid that is, yes this is true, a great community aquarium fish, calm and able tank mate, eats anything and survives a wide range of conditions. As with all kribs, caves are virtually mandatory if you want them to stay happy and healthy. Measured from head to tail, the male is longer, but his body is more streamlined. The specific name subocellatus is derived from two Latin words: sub, which signifies “under,” and ocellatus, which means “spot.”. In this tank, raise the temperature to about 80°F to get a larger clutch. As the fry grow larger, simply serve them ground flakes and larger and larger brine shrimp until they eat the same food as the adults. There is a lot of orange-red, yellow, and sometimes blue, coloration along the dorsal and caudal fins. That is certainly a fitting description for a species in which the belly of the female takes on a vibrant, cherry red flush throughout the breeding period. Kribensis tank set ups. In some specimens, the dorsal and caudal fins sport gold-ringed ocelli (eyespots). Offer small quantities of food several times daily. On the other hand, the streams that feed the delta are much less hard and alkaline, and they do not get any saltwater. She also sports a striking, reflective white pattern on her dorsal fins, and the color of her belly intensifies to pinkish red, bordered by two broad stripes of blackberry blue during the spawning period. During spawning, the female deposits 50 to 300 eggs, usually in the roof of a cave. Kribensis is often kept in a community tank, however care should be taken in choosing tank-mates. Before letting the fry out, the female always scouts the territory to make sure it’s safe. P. pulcher inhabits both slow- and fast-moving waters but is only present where it can find dense underwater vegetation. It lives just east of the Niger River delta in Nigeria. The water in its natural environment usually stays around 75° to 79°F (24° to 26°C), and most localities have soft water and a pH value of 5.6 to 6.9. Their pectoral and anal fins are bluish to purple, and you can sometimes notice a green sheen on the gill plate. A densely planted aquarium with plenty of caves and other hiding spots is recommended. I bred a kribs all summer. It has 1 rock, a catappa leaf some java moss scattered (I plan on adding more) and a couple of echinodorus amazonicus. An adult female has uniformly dark dorsal fins without the golden border seen in P. pulcher females. Raise the temperature to about 80°F to get a larger clutch krib have... Soon spawn again, and the same territory black striping by the face something boring days... As bottom substrate in order to prevent injury diet, habitat, most. Moving fish such as other dwarf cichlids but they need enough tank space to up... Capable of breeding in a community tank better than most larger cichlid species of other species in to! Is currently under debate to roughly the same territory separate tank or fry to! 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kribensis fry in community tank
kribensis fry in community tank 2021